If you are as interested in your 'roots' as I am, perhaps you would like to share information with me, in return for which, I will be more than happy to let you have any information I have on the various branches of the Slyfields. I have collected quite a lot via the Internet and other communications already (acknowledgments to Brian R, Elaine B, Craig S and particularly a Gordon Slyfield who carried out considerable research in the 1950's, much of which I picked up via Craig/Elaine). Please feel free to contact me (e-mail link below) and we can swop info and hopefully both gain some additional information.

Click on the link on the right to access the Family Tree data.

Best regards to other Slyfields throughout the world.

Geoff Slyfield

Email: g e o f f @ s l y f i e l d . c o . u k


Family Tree Data now only available upon valid request

Family Tree Issues

The Slyfield Family